The Science & Technology group is a group of around 7/8 persons who usually meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 10.30am at the Digby Road Centre in Coleshill. The session lasts till around 12 noon and we pay £2 per person to cover the hire charge of the room.
Each year we select an area or theme that has some link to Science or technology and then we take turns in investigating a smaller topic within this theme and giving a little talk about it and then having a group discussion about the monthly topic. The meetings are very friendly and informal, plus we have a cup of tea or coffee at the start of the session …just to get the brain cells working.
Some examples of yearly themes have been:
2018 – Types of renewable energy and the pros and cons for each one
2019 – Types of transport and how they have developed.
2020 – How robotics and automation has and will affect our lives. (not really delved into due to covid!)
Covid has, of course, delayed everything and so currently we are talking about various topics that interest each member.
I like to think the group is for everyone who has an interest in the world around us. Some of our group have a technical background and others, like myself, have no background in science & tech but want to learn something.
Graham Buckley