Never too late to learn!

19th January 2015: Steve Record – ‘The hidden world of container shipping’

A very interesting and well presented talk by one of our members Stephen Record about his career in Container Shipping. If you haven’t seen it there is an account of this talk with a picture in January’s Gazette. Thank you Steve.

15th February: AGM

16th March: Derek Clarke, ‘The work of a conservation architect’

This was the first meeting this year chaired by our new Chairperson, Peter Maidment. The speaker Derek Clark, who entitles his talk ‘The work of a conservation architect’, was both informative and entertaining, adding the occasional anecdote. I am sure his talk will have more significance when the History Group visit the ‘Back to Back Houses’ in May.

20th April: Andy Smith, ‘A Life in the Music’

Andy Smith was our speaker and entertainer last month. He brought along several instruments which he played and added in several anecdotes about himself and his family. Members really appreciated his visit. Thanks, Andy!

18th May: ‘Compton Verney, Past, Present and Future’

Compton Verney in south Warwickshire is now famous for its award winning art gallery. This talk will take the form of an historical introduction to the Verneys of Compton Verney, and to the family’s house and estate. We’ll also be looking at the working of the Art Gallery today, and its future plans.

15th June: Stephanie Butlin, ‘The work of Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance Team’

We had a very interesting speaker from the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance service. This service does need money and are prepared to pick up old clothes etc. if you have three or more bags. It also gets a lot of support from volunteers.

20th July: Ian Cawood, ‘Astley Castle – history on our doorstep’

The talk from Ian Cawood. Head of History at Newman College, was very informative and entertaining. The history and details of the construction of a new building inside the ruins of the Astley Castle by the Landmark Trust, was most pertinent because it is so near to our U3A.

17th August: ‘Nuneaton and Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary’

This was a very interesting talk from a representative of the Nuneaton and Warwickshire Trust. Several animals that the Trust had saved were brought along for members to see and handle.

21st September: Lee Dent ‘The Messines Village Model’

A very interesting talk about the trial and tribulations of restoring the Messines Village Model on Cannock Chase. We also stood in silence in remembrance of Anne Strachan who will always be remembered for her welcoming smile.

19th October: Colin Such, ’30 Years on the Rostrum’

Colin Such from Warwick and Warwick Auctioneers let us into how much stamps, posters, medals and post cards increase in value according to the event and age. I am sure it sent some of our members into their attics to see if they had anything of interest and value. Shows it pays not to throw everything away.

16th November: David Swain, ‘Life in Nelson’s Navy’

David Swain gave an interesting talk to the members on the life of Nelson and his ship  Victory. We learned that Nelson came to Birmingham and there is a statue of him in the Bull Ring. Also explanations of certain naval terms.

14th December: General Meeting 

This meeting was our last before Christmas and consisted of a play reading of Almost a Fair Lady based loosely on George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion, and carol singing by the Music Group. The food was excellent as always with members contributing ‘bring and share’. Thanks you to everyone who contributed in any way to make it a very enjoyable and festive meeting